July 23, 2008

Vintage Ventriloquism

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Originally uploaded by undream
Admire this tremendous Flicker set of Vintage Dummy Photographs.

The set is 4 pages long, with hundreds of photos, and it's well worth a few minutes.

[UPDATE- the set seems to go up and down, but here's another link to another set]

The set made me think about how the timetable for the rise in the popularity and technology of photography and of ventriloquism parallel each other. Both share the process of half-representation and both seem magical, perhaps even occult, in interesting ways. Early photos (and films) on dummies are good and rich. (An essay topic brewing here. My freshmen students should watch out...)

Rest assured that Kate and Elise are searching for vintage dummies throughout the region. If one turns up, we'll let you know so you can adopt it. In the meantime, we'll be hungrily imaging like with one via the magic of photography.

1 comment:

rebecca said...

I'm glad you enjoyed my Vintage Ventriloquism Flickr set. It's no longer going up and down, though I did have to remove a lot of photos due to copyright issues.